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Pregnant Woman holding her bump looking for a Hypnobirthing Course

Positive Birth Starts Here

Suffolk, Essex , Norfolk


“I was finding the last trimester of my pregnancy really overwhelming, and Theresa really helped to calm me down. She gave me all the information I needed to make some really important decisions about induction.”

— Becky

We Can Help

Transforming Birth, Together.


Theresa Pearce - Hypnobirthing Teacher

The Problem

Have you noticed how often expectant parents feel unheard or left in the dark during their birth experience? It’s a real issue in today’s maternity system—procedures are done without clear explanations, and decisions are made without proper consultation. It’s no wonder so many women worry about whether they’ll be able to cope with the experience of labour, especially with all the stories they hear. Have you thought about how this might affect you or your birth plan?

The Solution

At New Moon Baby, we do more than teach relaxation techniques—we prepare you and your partner to navigate the challenges of birth with confidence. Our hypnobirthing courses combine practical tools, informed decision-making, and holistic pregnancy wellness, so you’re ready for every possibility. Together, we’ll help you stay calm, empowered, and prepared for a positive birth experience.

Your Journey

Your journey with New Moon Baby is truly transformative. You'll go from feeling anxious and uncertain, unsure of how to navigate birth, to becoming a confident, empowered couple. Together, you’ll embrace birth as a powerful, shared experience, equipped with the knowledge and tools to make informed choices that feel right for you.



What You'll Learn:


  1. Understanding the physiology of birth: how your body is designed to give birth.

  2. The importance of relaxation: how to stay calm and relaxed through breathing techniques, visualisations, and scripts.​

  3. Breathing techniques: for every stage of labour, helping manage discomfort and maintain calm.

  4. The power of positive language and affirmations: how language affects the birthing experience.

  5. The role of the birth partner: how they can support you emotionally and physically, and their practical involvement during labour.

  6. Making informed decisions: understanding your birth choices, including home birth, hospital birth, water birth, and more.

  7. Navigating the maternity system: understanding hospital protocols and the importance of evidence-based information.

  8. Creating a positive birth environment: whether at home or in the hospital.

  9. How to reduce the likelihood of tearing during birth.​

  10. The stages of labour: and how to remain calm and in control throughout.​

  11. Planning for different birth scenarios: including caesarean sections, VBAC, or assisted delivery.

  12. The impact of birth on the new born: how a calm, positive birth experience benefits both baby and mother.

  13. Postnatal recovery and bonding

What’s Included:

New Moon Baby Printed Parents Handbook & Birth Plan Template

KGH Audio Relaxation & Factsheets

‘The Hypnobirthing Book’ by Katharine Graves

Ongoing Support via Email and WhatsApp

Hypnobirthing Benefits

Hypnobirthing Benefits

Aromatherapy Essesntial Oil Lavendar Fields

There are so many benefits to Hypnobirthing...



A list of benefits of Hypnobirthing for the mother, baby and partner

Backed by scientific, peer reviewed evidence

Frequently Asked Questions


When should I start Hypnobirthing? 


We suggest beginning Hypnobirthing anytime from 20 weeks into your pregnancy. The more you practice, the more successful your experience will be, so once you've decided to try Hypnobirthing, go ahead and book your sessions. However, don't worry if you're further along than 20 weeks—Hypnobirthing can still be highly effective even if you start later in your pregnancy. It is never too late in pregnancy to start.


Does my partner have to attend?


It would be wonderful if your partner could join, even for some sessions, but it's not essential. Every course includes a printed parents handbook, so your partner can still be involved. Practice is key, and your partner can practice with you at home. Even if they can't attend the course, we encourage you to share what you've learned. They play an important role during the birth, and understanding the process will benefit everyone. 


What is the 'Hypno' part of Hypnobirthing? 


The 'Hypno' in Hypnobirthing refers to the use of hypnosis techniques to help you achieve a state of deep relaxation and focus during childbirth. This involves guided imagery, visualisations, and positive affirmations to calm your mind and body. By practicing these techniques, you can reduce stress and fear, which helps create a more comfortable and positive birthing experience. Hypnobirthing empowers you to trust your body's natural ability to give birth, enhancing your overall well-being and confidence. 



Can I use Hypnobirthing in the hospital? 


Absolutely! Hypnobirthing can be used in any birth setting. You'll learn deep relaxation techniques that work wherever you are. This course is a comprehensive antenatal program, so you'll gain a thorough understanding of the labour and birth process. It also guides you on navigating the NHS system, discussing your rights and decisions. There are many ways this course can enhance your labour and birth experience, and you'll learn how to make this happen in any setting. We'll cover all birth settings during the course. 


What if I need a Caesarean section? 


This course is all about empowering you to make the best decisions for yourself. There are many practical and positive techniques you can apply to a caesarean section to enhance the experience for you, your partner, and your baby. If a caesarean is unplanned, you'll have all the important information you need to be prepared for any unexpected situations. 


Can I still have pain relief if I am doing Hypnobirthing? 


Absolutely! You have the choice to do what feels right for you. While practicing Hypnobirthing may reduce your need for pain relief, there's no reason to feel bad if you choose to use it. At New Moon Baby, we aim to provide you with the best knowledge and tools to help make your birth experience positive. 


What will I learn? 


In our course, you will learn and practice: 

  • Deep relaxation techniques 

  • Visualisations 

  • Breathing exercises 

  • How to release fear and build confidence 

  • Partner massage techniques to empower your birth partner 

  • Understanding your body's natural ability to birth your baby 

  • Navigating the NHS system 

  • Information about interventions such as Induction 

  • Practical tips and a home practice regimen 

  • The mind-body connection 

  • Information about all birth setting options


You'll also discover the 'how' and 'why' of Hypnobirthing, helping you trust the process even more. At New Moon Baby, we personalise the course by including information and techniques based on your interests, which you can share on your enrolment form when booking. 


How do I book? 


Once you have purchased the course, you will receive a confirmation email detailing all the information you need to know!​

Simply reply to the confirmation email with your preferred dates and times that suit you and we can arrange it. We look forward to supporting you on your Hypnobirthing journey! 


What if your dates aren’t available? 


If you don’t see suitable availability on the live calendar, please contact We’ll work with you to arrange a schedule that fits your needs. 

Your Positive Birth Starts Here!

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